Free C# and Xamarin for Beginners Videos Series
Last week Hanselman announced all of the great new videos that are available at However, he forgot to mention that there is an entire new getting started series for iOS & Android development with Xamarin! The lovely developer advocate's and friends Matt Soucoup and Brandon Minnick just released the 11 part series! If you are new to C# then don't worry as there is a full C# 101 series.
It has never beena better time to get started learning C# and building mobile apps with Xamarin.
The entire series is available on YouTube and Channel 9. And walks you through:
- What is Xamarin?
- Installing Xamarin
- Xamarin Solution Architecture
- Xamarin.Forms UI with XAML (and with C#)
- Navigation
- Full Recap!
So much more C# .NET!
There are also tons of amazing series available for all things .NET including:
- .NET Core
- ASP.NET Core
- Desktop and .NET Core
- Introduction to Containers (Docker)
- Entity Framework
- Introduction to Visual Studio
- ML.NET for Machine Learning
- .NET For Apache Spark
There is SO MUCH GOOD STUFF! Now go off and learn!