MvxUIRefreshControl for #MvvmCross

Implementing MvxTableViews and MvxCollectionViews are extremely simple. From binding to accessory or cell clicks, to implementing advanced logic for custom cells they just plain work in MvvmCross. However, today I ran into one issue that needed to be solved, an Mvx binding for UIRefreshControl. <br./></br.>

In iOS6+ land adding pull to refresh is EXTREMELY simple. You can read all about it, but basically you need to just implement 1 method and you can even set a custom string and style it. It is beautiful, however there was no way to bind anything in MvvmCross. So I wanted to create a simple binding to accomplish a few goals:

1.) Execute an ICommand when someone pulls down to refresh

2.) Bind a bool to begin and end the refreshing spinner

3.) Bind a string to set the AttributedTitle (what is displayed to the user) when they pull or when it refreshes.

So I created a very very simple UIRefreshControl, which you can find on Gist RIGHT HERE

The code is as simple to implement as:

var refreshControl = new MvxUIRefreshControl();
this.RefreshControl = refreshControl;

var set = this.CreateBindingSet<MyView, MyViewModel>();
set.Bind(refreshControl).For(r => r.IsRefreshing).To(vm => vm.IsBusy);
set.Bind(refreshControl).For(r => r.RefreshCommand).To(vm => vm.ReloadCommand);
set.Bind(refreshControl).For(r => r.Message).To(vm => vm.BusyMessage);

I hope this helps