Newman-O's - A Cookie Revolution

I am not a cookie person. Alright, I like cookies, but you wont find me at the store searching around and wanting to buy cookies, especially not Oreo sandwhich cookies. As a kid I am pretty sure I was all about them, but over time they transformed, morphed, got double stuffed, thinned, pumpkin spiced, and just stopped being interesting to me at all. Then last week I was listening to The Talk Show with John Gruber about Android Oreo and his slight obsession with Newman-O's cookies. He raved about them and how he would never go back to Oreo cookies ever again.

Newman's Own

When he said Newman-O's I could have sworn that I had seen that before, and I have, because it is from the Newman's Own brand. You know the Newman's Own brand, it is the brand that is a little bit more expensive and you are unsure about, but also gives 100% of its profits to chartity:

I have purchased a lot of their salad dressing in the past, but then I was walking through my local Bartell Drugs store and BOOM there they were:

I knew I had to have them and I purchased them immediatelly.

A Better Cookie

John was right, they are a darn good cookie. Like I said earlier, I don't even like this style of cookie, but I kept going back for a midnight snack here and there. The big draw for me is that they actually taste like a real cookie and they are made from organic sugar and flour. The cream on the inside is also very tasty and tastes relatively real and not completely artificial. You got me Newman! I am in!

A Revolution

What happened next after mentioning my new Newman-O's obesssion on a recent Merge Conflict episode was a bit of surprise... they seem to be taking twitter by storm!

At first it was slow, but then I started to see a tweet storm of people ranting and raving about Newman-O's!

Even Frank got on the bandwagon and is doing a #forscience experiment!

So what do you think? Have you tried Newman-O's or any other of the Newman's Own product line? Let me know what you think in the comments below.