James Montemagno
James Montemagno

Live, Love, Bike, and Code.


James Montemagno


How to Build & Ship an App in a Week with Xamarin.Forms

TLDR; I built an app in a few days over the holidays to keep track of board game and sport scores called Scoreboard, which is available now on iOS [https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/scoreboard-game-score-keeper/id1191033523?ls=1&mt=8] and Android [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.refractored.scoreboard]! Over the holidays I didn’t expect to sit down and write an entire app for iOS and Android from scratch, but I did. It all started when Heather and I were playing Qwirkle [ht…

James Montemagno James Montemagno