James Montemagno
James Montemagno

Live, Love, Bike, and Code.


James Montemagno

Windows 11

Goodbye Android Emulators, the Windows Subsystem for Android is Here!

Android Emulators have been a pain in everyone's side for pretty much ever [https://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin/android/get-started/installation/android-emulator/?WT.mc_id=friends-0000-jamont] . Intel HAXM is great, but limited to Intel, then there were custom emulators like Xamarin Android Player and Genymotion, but required additional installs, and finally Hyper-V support, which brought with it AMD support, and side by side Docker support as well. But now, Windows 11 is here and so is a bra…

James Montemagno James Montemagno