Last week Hanselman announced all of the great new videos that are available at However, he forgot to mention that there is an entire new getting started series for iOS & Android development with Xamarin! The lovely developer advocate's and friends Matt Soucoup and Brandon Minnick just released the 11 part series! If you are new to C# then don't worry as there is a full C# 101 series.
It has never beena better time to get started learning C# and building mobile apps with Xamarin.
The entire series is available on YouTube and Channel 9. And walks you through:
- What is Xamarin?
- Installing Xamarin
- Xamarin Solution Architecture
- Xamarin.Forms UI with XAML (and with C#)
- Navigation
- Full Recap!
So much more C# .NET!
There are also tons of amazing series available for all things .NET including:
- .NET Core
- ASP.NET Core
- Desktop and .NET Core
- Introduction to Containers (Docker)
- Entity Framework
- Introduction to Visual Studio
- ML.NET for Machine Learning
- .NET For Apache Spark
There is SO MUCH GOOD STUFF! Now go off and learn!