James Montemagno
James Montemagno

Live, Love, Bike, and Code.

Live, Love, Bike, and Code



Let's fix that X86 Android Emulator

So genymotion is awesome! However, they recently released version 2.0 and while it seems like it is fine for personal use, using for anything else costs a huge premium. This isn’t a huge issue for some, but more pressing is the issues that I have run into with memory leaks and virtual box causing havok on my machine.

So back to it, the good old x86 Intel HAX Android emulator for PC/Mac. First things first is that you can not run Hyper-V side by side HAX. This means if you want to run the x86 emulator you will need to disable/enable Hyper-V when you want to switch between Android and Windows Phone Development. This isn’t to hard as you just need to run these commands in the command line:

// disable
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
// enable
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto

You MUST restart your PC after doing this!

Let’s fix those crashes!!

I tweeted a bit earlier, but the HAX software that is downloaded via Android SDK Manager is COMPLETELY broken on OSX 10.9 and Windows 8.1. It can lead to major crashes of your system and is completely unstable. Luckily Intel released a hotfix for both operating systems. You will need to first uninstall any old HAX you have installed and then install the hotfix for either Windows 8.1 or OSX 10.9.

Read: Official HAX documentation.

Alright you should be all set to go!

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