James Montemagno
James Montemagno

Live, Love, Bike, and Code.


James Montemagno

Live, Love, Bike, and Code.

Easily Clean Bin/Obj Folders

In an earlier blog post I talked about how to clean up space on your Xamarin Developer machine [http://motzcod.es/post/158519702967/cleanup-up-space-xamarin-dev-machine] by deleting old installations, NuGet cache, and Android junk sitting around. We can take it one step further and delete all of that clutter that is built up in the bin/obj folders! This can be gigs of data. Here is my GitHub folder: Inside of each of my repo folders sits code and the bin/obj folders from each build, which can…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Motz’s Thoughts: Aztez - Buy This Game

Let’s hop into the way back when machine, to a time when I created video games for a living. It was at a small studio where we worked on a small Xbox 360 game called Shred Nebula. There I would find my love for C# and desktop tool development, and where I worked with some amazing people that became some of my best friends. One of those individuals is my good friend Ben Ruiz, who today along with Mathew Wegner at Team Colorblind have released Aztez: A Game of Conquest and Brutality [http://aztez.…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Dynamically Changing Xamarin.Forms Tab Icons When Selected

Spicing up your Xamarin.Forms tab can easily be done in a few ways. You can add tint color in Android when the user deselects a tab [https://montemagno.com/xamarin-forms-android-selected-and-unselected-tab-colors], which can also be done in iOS in addition to a full swap of a selected image [https://montemagno.com/tintcolor-selectedimage-xamarin-forms-ios]. It was recently pointed out to me that these blogs highlighted a way of adding back a bit of nativeness, but didn't answer a different…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

C# Developers: Stop Calling .Result

I love async/await Task based programming! I talk about it in all my demos, it is in all my libraries, and Frank and I did a whole Merge Conflict podcast episode [http://www.mergeconflict.fm/merge-conflict-44-i-love-callbacks] on it. The problem is that I keep getting bug reports and seeing samples where it is being abused and used completely wrong. I am never a fan of calling a lot of async code in a constructor or in the OnCreate/AppDelegate, but the real issue is when I see stuff like this w…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Xamarin.Forms: Microsoft Advertising SDK in UWP

In the past I have written about how to integrate Google’s Admob ads into Xamarin.Forms iOS apps [https://montemagno.com/xamarinforms-google-admob-ads-in-ios] and Android apps [https://montemagno.com/xamarinforms-google-admob-ads-in-android], which is a great way to monetize your applications. What about UWP? Well Google Admob doesn’t exist on UWP, but Microsoft has their own advertising SDK that you can integrate and it of course works with Xamarin.Forms! Here is what you need to know to get…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Moving Plugins for Xamarin to .NET Standard

I could never imagine the amazing response to Plugins for Xamarin [http://xamarin.com/plugins], those amazing little libraries that abstract away all that platform specific code into a lovely cross-platform API for iOS, Android, and Windows. They sure have grown, with hundreds of plugins being generated by the community and with tons of installs. My plugins alone have now hit 3 Million installations! With all this momentum it is a great time to look to the future, simplify plugins, and take the…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Why Xamarin.Forms Embedding Matters

Last week I wrote about Xamarin.Forms Embedding [http://motzcod.es/post/161785997897/embedding-xamarinforms-into-a-xamarin-native-app] , a great new feature of Xamarin.Forms, that enables developers to convert a Xamarin.Forms ContentPage into an iOS UIViewController, Android Fragment, and a UWP Page. I walked through the current setup and a real world example of adding Xamarin.Forms details pages to my Xamarin Native application which previously only had native Storyboards and Android XML pages.…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Motz's Thoughts: E3 2017 Recap (Microsoft, Sony, & Nintendo)

I have always been a video game nerd, so much so that I went to school to go and create games for a living. I worked at a studio, helped develop a game called Shred Nebula for Xbox 360, and then left the industry forever. While I may not be creating games anymore, my passion is not gone and there is a time each year that I geek out. It is that time of the year when all the big game publishers and console creators go BIG and announce everything, and that event is E3 and that time of year was thi…

James Montemagno James Montemagno