James Montemagno
James Montemagno

Live, Love, Bike, and Code.


James Montemagno

Android Navigation

Removing BottomNavigationView’s Icon Shifting in Xamarin.Android

I recently blogged about Android’s super fancy new BottomNavigationView [https://blog.xamarin.com/exploring-androids-bottom-navigation-view/], and how easy it was to get started with them in your Xamarin.Android application. I also went through a lot of color customizations that developers can blend in to really make their BottomNavigationView stand out. While this new bottom navigation is awesome, it is also still brand new with a lot of features locked behind internals and hidden fields, whi…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Effective Navigation in Xamarin.Android: Part 1 - Navigation Drawer

When designing your app you have probably wondered about what type of navigation is the best to use. Dashboards, navigation lists, spinner drop downs, tabs, and fly out menus are all still prevalent and valid choices, however, Google has recently made a huge push to use their new standard Navigation Drawer control. So what is a Navigation Drawer? Similar to a flyout menu made famous by Facebook, the Navigation Drawer is designed to be swiped out from the left side of you application. The main…

James Montemagno James Montemagno