It was a big exciting week for Apple at WWDC20 with some lovely announcements for iOS and some spectacular ones around macOS. I could not be more excited about Apple Silicon on macOS as an app developer as it will allow all of my existing iOS apps to just "work" on macOS. I really wasn't sure about running iOS apps on macOS, but with macOS 11 it is really bridging the gap and looks great. Apple also announced the Developer Transition Kit (DTK) and I was really lucky to be picked to be able to order! I am excited to test out My Stream Timer for macOS, my existing iOS apps (assuming I can), and just see it all working.

With the DTK on the way, I decided to further invest in the Apple ecosystem and purchase my first ever iPhone for personal use!

Now, I am not positive if I will love using the iPhone every single day, but the SE seemed like a perfect place to start! So there you have it. DTK, iPhone SE, and who knows maybe AirPod Pros one day!
If you want to hear more about WWDC20 and my thoughts, be sure to listen to the most recent Merge Conflict podcast: