James Montemagno
James Montemagno

Live, Love, Bike, and Code.


James Montemagno


Let's fix that X86 Android Emulator

So genymotion is awesome! However, they recently released version 2.0 and while it seems like it is fine for personal use, using for anything else costs a huge premium. This isn’t a huge issue for some, but more pressing is the issues that I have run into with memory leaks and virtual box causing havok on my machine. So back to it, the good old x86 Intel HAX Android emulator for PC/Mac. First things first is that you can not run Hyper-V side by side HAX. This means if you want to run the x86 em…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Beautiful Android Compat Roboto Fonts in Xamarin.Android

In android 4.1 and 4.2 Google did something amazing, which was add the roboto [http://developer.android.com/design/style/typography.html] fonts as a default font family that you can switch between. It is as easy as setting “sans-serif”, “sans-serif-light”, “sans-serif-condensed”, and “sans-serif-thin” as the android:FontFamily. However the obvious issue here is that this is only available in 4.1+ (with thin only being available in 4.2). So if you want to target older platforms you have to do s…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Xamarin + PCL + MAC Xamarin Studio + Visual Studio #LetsDoThis

This blog is now obsolete as official PCL support has been added to Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS for both Visual Studio and Xamarin Studio. There is no longer a need to do any file copying or anything fancy, simply hit File->New Project -> PCL. I have a webinar: you can find here [http://blog.xamarin.com/webinar-recording-native-app-development/] So last night at the Xamarin [http://xamarin.com/] drinkup in Bellevue there was a lot of discussion about PCL and also bout MVVM frameworks…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Some more code!

So before motzcod.es existed I did a lot of blog posting about code and such over on motzwrit.es. As tumblr doesn’t allow a good way to transition posts I just wanted to create a nice archive here: Windows Phone: Amazing - 1 Feature = Windows Phone Toolkit [http://www.motzwrit.es/post/37436490939/amazing-1-feature-wp-toolkit] Windows Store: Re-Use your WP Isolated Storage Settings in Windows Store Apps [http://www.motzwrit.es/post/30814582479/re-use-your-wp7-isolated-storage-settings-in-win8-m…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Inspired by @TweedleApp

If you don’t know about Tweedle [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.handlerexploit.tweedle] and you are on Twitter and Android you should probably download it. It is a fantastic twitter client with focus on core Android design which is clean and beautiful. It is also developer by an awesome developer, Mr. Daniel Huckaby [https://twitter.com/HandlerExploit]. I have been using it nearly since day one and he keeps updating it with great features and enhancements. A while ago he r…

James Montemagno James Montemagno