James Montemagno
James Montemagno

Live, Love, Bike, and Code.


James Montemagno

Asp.Net Core

Developing & Working with .NET Containers on Windows ARM Devices

I am by no means a cloud-native developer, I am a client developer. I have spent some time though to get a general understanding about microservices, images, containers, docker, and all the buzz words that surround the topic. I recently got really into DevContainers and using them on GitHub Codespaces and Visual Studio Code to create an environment to run apps in. From there, I went down a rabbit hole of educating myself more by taking Microsoft Learn training courses, watching the new container…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Add ASP.NET Core's Dependency Injection into Xamarin Apps with HostBuilder

Dependency injection(DI) and inversion of control (IoC), have been a recurring theme in questions that I have received over the last six years. Sometimes it is around using constructor injection(), simple service containers, and often around full frameworks such as Prism or MVVM Light. I will be honest with you, I have never been a fan of DI/IoC when building mobile apps. My main reason is that there has never been any official pattern or recommendations from Google or Apple (or Microsoft/Xamari…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Real Time Communication for Mobile with SignalR (Core)

Real Time Communication or RTC as the cool kids call it has always been a hot topic, especially for mobile. In normal mobile development when we wanted to get updates of data we would make a web request to a server, pull down data, and update our user interface. If you wanted to get bits of data on demand and in real time you would have to integrate WebSockets or some sort of push notifications to receive data as it is happening. However, it doesn't have to be anymore with the latest version…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Building an ASP.NET Core Website with Xamarin.Forms, XAML, and Ooui

You read that correct, you can now totally build websites powered by XAML leveraging Xamarin.Forms and Frank Krueger [https://twitter.com/praeclarum]'s amazing Ooui library [https://github.com/praeclarum/Ooui]. If you haven't heard about Ooui yet, it is an amazing lightweight cross-platform UI library that brings the simplicity of native UI development to the web. For an in-depth overview take a listen to Merge Conflict [http://mergeconflict.fm] Episode 72 - Xamarin.Forms on the Web: To…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Deploying an ASP.NET Core app to Linux on Azure App Service

You probably wouldn’t expect this blog post from me as I run away from building any web apps, but I have been messing around with ASP.NET Core inside of Visual Studio for Mac. I thought it would be really cool to take our default app for items and deploy it to an Azure Linux based App Service. Because… why not?!?! Also, I will make Hanselman [http://twitter.com/shanselman]proud. So, first things first.. The backend. My Items on ASP.NET Core If you head over to your Visual Studio for Mac [https…

James Montemagno James Montemagno