James Montemagno
James Montemagno

Live, Love, Bike, and Code.


James Montemagno


Cross Platform Settings for Everyone!

If you haven’t figure it out by now, I simply love portable class libraries. I have been blogging about them, talking about them on Channel 9 [http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Visual-Studio-Toolbox/Using-Portable-Class-Libraries-with-Xamarin] , and I even did a 18 city roadshow [http://blog.xamarin.com/a-look-back-at-the-.net-rocks-roadshow/] discussing PCLs and Azure Mobile Services. On my GitHub [http://www.github.com/jamesmontemagno] I have started to build out a lot of applications, someti…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Portable Class Libraries + HttpClient: So Happy Together!

I was recently on Channel 9’s VS Toolbox talking about Xamarin and Portable Class Libraries [http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Visual-Studio-Toolbox/Using-Portable-Class-Libraries-with-Xamarin] where I showed of an expense taking application called My Expenses [https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/myexpenses]. This little app uses a portable class library and a SQLite database to store and track all of your expenses. I built out a full app for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone using this single PCL th…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Portable Class Library Tips and Tricks

There has been a recent explosion of PCL use since Microsoft and Xamarin added official support for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS. It is really amazing to have one project that is shared completely across Android, iOS, and all of the Windows platforms. I have blogged before about how to get “fake” PCL support, but I wanted to give an updated post on how to get up and running with a bunch of tips as well. It is important to remember that there is nothing special you need to do to get PCL su…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Azure Mobile Services + Xamarin + PCL

You might have noticed that both @ChrisNTR [http://www.twitter.com/chrisntr] and myself have been on the .NET Rocks Roadshow [http://xamarin.com/modern-apps-roadshow]. We have been talking to awesome devs all over the US about Xamarin, PCL, and Azure all wrapped up into an amazing demo [http://bit.ly/DNRXamarin] (full source code there). One common question that has come up is that while a lot of people have the demo up and running they are having a hard time getting Azure + PCL integrated into…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

How to setup Xamarin Studio for iOS 6 Support

Even though iOS 7 has been dominating the market and is now on over 75% of iOS devices, it might still be important for you or your company to support iOS 6. It was for me recently when I was developing Puppy Kitty Overflow [https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/puppy-kitty-overflow-random/id766177393?ls=1&mt=8] as my girlfriend [http://www.twitter.com/stefispice] is unable to upgrade her phone and I wanted to ensure she could run the app. So I sent out on a quest to get iOS 6 support working in…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Simple re-usable Swipe To Delete Xamarin.iOS + MvvmCross

I was recently implementing some swipe to delete and edit mode in my Xamarin.iOS/MvvmCross applications. It is very common that you will have a custom TableViewDataSource that will implement and override some methods to handle this for you. It is very well documented on the Xamarin website [http://docs.xamarin.com/guides/ios/user_interface/tables/part_4_-_editing]. However I have always found myself writing the same code over and over again for custom data source. With MvvmCross we should all be…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Xamarin + PCL + MAC Xamarin Studio + Visual Studio #LetsDoThis

This blog is now obsolete as official PCL support has been added to Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS for both Visual Studio and Xamarin Studio. There is no longer a need to do any file copying or anything fancy, simply hit File->New Project -> PCL. I have a webinar: you can find here [http://blog.xamarin.com/webinar-recording-native-app-development/] So last night at the Xamarin [http://xamarin.com/] drinkup in Bellevue there was a lot of discussion about PCL and also bout MVVM frameworks…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Market your Windows 8 and iOS apps easily on your site

So you have an app for Windows 8 or maybe even an app for iOS. How great would it be if someone was searching inside of IE on Windows 8 or Safari on iOS that when they got to your website it had an option to download and install it easily. They wouldn’t have to search your site for a button, or search the store, with 1 click they are taken directly to the download and install page. Well you can, and it is really easy. To me it is very odd that a lot of sites just don’t do this already. For in…

James Montemagno James Montemagno