James Montemagno
James Montemagno

Live, Love, Bike, and Code.


James Montemagno

Windows 8

Some more code!

So before motzcod.es existed I did a lot of blog posting about code and such over on motzwrit.es. As tumblr doesn’t allow a good way to transition posts I just wanted to create a nice archive here: Windows Phone: Amazing - 1 Feature = Windows Phone Toolkit [http://www.motzwrit.es/post/37436490939/amazing-1-feature-wp-toolkit] Windows Store: Re-Use your WP Isolated Storage Settings in Windows Store Apps [http://www.motzwrit.es/post/30814582479/re-use-your-wp7-isolated-storage-settings-in-win8-m…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Market your Windows 8 and iOS apps easily on your site

So you have an app for Windows 8 or maybe even an app for iOS. How great would it be if someone was searching inside of IE on Windows 8 or Safari on iOS that when they got to your website it had an option to download and install it easily. They wouldn’t have to search your site for a button, or search the store, with 1 click they are taken directly to the download and install page. Well you can, and it is really easy. To me it is very odd that a lot of sites just don’t do this already. For in…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Windows 8 Live Tile Branding

After implementing live tiles I found something extremely interesting. When live tiles are active you never really get to go back to your standard tile with your app logo and name. Switching from wide to standard will flash you logo quickly, but after that it is gone. This seems just fine, but demoing my app to a few people and showing them live tiles they brought up a point… “How do I know which tile is the app?” From a developer point of view I never really thought of this because it is sho…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Windows 8 Live Tiles Done Right

It is a bit surprising to that one of the best features of Windows 8 isn’t extremely well documented on how to implement it. Now there are plenty of tutorials on implementing live tiles, however what if you want to update them in the background, or maybe every so often. Do you need to require permissions? Do you need to register events? Who knows!?!?! Well there is probably a document somewhere, but I couldn’t find it. So what do you need to do? In this tutorial I am going to go through how I…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Fun with Windows 8 DataItemTemplates

So you are probably using GridViews and ListViews all over the place. In some instances you will most likely even have a situation where you you have a DataSource with a few DataGroups. Each DataGroup might actually be all different or it might even have different items in its list. If you have a nice base class such as StandardDataItem then this will work just fine. So here is where the fun comes in because usually each DataItem is going to have a different DataTemplate. This is where DataItem…

James Montemagno James Montemagno