James Montemagno
James Montemagno

Live, Love, Bike, and Code.


James Montemagno


Text To Speech Plugin for Xamarin and Windows

You may have noticed that I am on a big Plugins for Xamarin kick currently. I have always had my Settings Plugin [http://motzcod.es/post/102974754207/an-improved-cross-platform-settings-library-for] that I have updated over time, but then I blogged about creating plugins for Xamarin.Forms [http://blog.xamarin.com/creating-reusable-plugins-for-xamarin.forms/], released a Vibrate Plugin [https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/VibratePlugin], and then discussed exactly what a Plugin for Xamarin is [ht…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

What Exactly is a Plugin for Xamarin?

I am so glad that you asked! I recently blogged about creating reusable plugins for Xamarin.Forms [http://blog.xamarin.com/creating-reusable-plugins-for-xamarin.forms/], and it might have caught you a bit off guard. Does Xamarin.Forms or Xamarin itself have plugins? The short answer is YES with the power of PCLs and NuGet. Component vs. Plugin For a long time, Xamarin developers have been able to add rich functionality to their mobile applications by adding Components from the Component Store […

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Pull/Swipe To Refresh for Xamarin.Forms Android Apps

Update Xamarin.Forms now includes Pull To Refesh out of the box. Please read my article on it. It is true that I absolutely love cross platform settings [http://motzcod.es/post/102974754207/an-improved-cross-platform-settings-library-for-ios] for mobile applications built with Xamarin. However, there is something that I love even more… Pull To Refresh! It all started over year ago when I blogged about how to add a UIRefreshControl to MVVMCross iOS apps [http://motzcod.es/post/59125989518/mv…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

An Improved Cross-Platform Settings Library for iOS, Android, and Windows

If you follow me at all on GitHub [http://www.github.com/jamesmontemagno] or Twitter [http://www.twitter.com/jamesmontemagno] than you probably know that I love portable class libraries. I know this might sound odd, but I also love settings inside of mobile applications. NSUserDefault, SharedPreferences, IsolatedStorage… yup I love it. A few years back when I was doing a lot of MVVMCross development I created Mvx.Plugins.Settings to enable developers to save settings and preferences extremely e…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Adding Shared Projects Support For Xamarin In Visual Studio 2013

While I love portable class libraries for sharing code across multiple projects, and I absolutely love Shared Projects for sharing code within a single library or project. Shared Projects were introduced with Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 and quickly added to Xamarin Studio enabling you share code easier than ever. The two ways of sharing code are vastly different and you can read about them on the amazing Xamarin documentation [http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/application_fundam…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

A week in AZ: Speaking, Career Fairing, Workshopping, and Game Jamming!

What an exciting and outstanding week in Arizona. Last week I was invited back to my alma mater, the University of Advancing Technology [http://www.uat.edu], to participate in several events including their Tech Forum where I gave a talk, an Alumni Panel, a CocosSharp [http://blog.xamarin.com/introducing-cocossharp/] workshop, and I got to help with a 48 hour Game Jam! I was part of the 2008 graduating class at UAT and boy has our industry changed since then. I never would have imagined my j…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Debug with the Xamarin Android Player from Visual Studio in VMWare or Parallels

I simply love using my Mac when combined with VMWare for development. I consider it the ultimate setup for mobile development with Visual Studio. Since everything is on the same machine the iOS simulator and Build Host just work. For Windows Phone nested virtualization with Hyper-V seems to just work (as long as you you follow the special setup guide from Nokia [http://developer.nokia.com/community/wiki/Windows_Phone_8_SDK_on_a_Virtual_Machine_with_Working_Emulator] ). However, my favorite pla…

James Montemagno James Montemagno

Scanning for iBeacons in iOS 8

With iOS 7 you could easily range and scan for beacons in your application with just a few lines of code. `CLLocationManger` took care of all of the heavy lifting for you and things were just enabled for you automatically. With iOS 7.1 your users got prompted that you were going to do some scanning and it required Bluetooth. This was alright since the system took care of it for you automatically. Enter iOS 8 While iOS 8 hasn’t added too many new feature for iBeacons that I can tell thus far, th…

James Montemagno James Montemagno